Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This Year's Oscar Ceremony Hosted By...

Well, it looks as if the Academy Awards will change it up a bit this year since both Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin will be hosting. Yep, two hosts for the price of one. It's been quite some time since the Oscars have had multiple hosts - in fact this will be my first opportunity to witness such an event. I'm not exactly sure how the whole multiple host thing will play out, but the change seems in keeping with Academy's tendencies lately, what with the expansion of the Best Picture category from 5 to 10 nominees. I like the choice of Martin, who has hosted previously, and Baldwin seems like an inspired choice. After watching the two of them together on SNL, I think they'll have a good chemistry and I look forward to seeing them perform side-by-side again. This year's show is shaping up to be an interesting one, shaking things up from the usual. The ratings have been down in recent times, so maybe this year will be the shot in the arm that the Oscars need. Only time will tell.

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