Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thank You, TCM

I've always appreciated Turner Classis Movies. In fact, it may be my favorite channel. The folks over at TCM are truly dedicated to showing a wide range of films and focus on the importance of film history. (The fact that films are shown uninterrupted and in their correct aspect ratio continue to sweeten the deal.) Well, today I have another reason to be thankful for TCM since they programmed Samuel Fuller's film Park Row, a film which is curiously still unavailable on DVD. It's a movie that I wasn't sure I'd ever get a chance to see until now, and I'm thankful to have the opportunity to view it. Park Row represents one of Sam Fuller's most personal films, one that he financed himself in order to make. What results is a singular vision brought to the screen, and a truly uncompromised work. Films such as these don't come around often and when they do, I don't want to miss them. So, again, I'm glad to have had a chance to see this film and just wanted to recommend TCM as a non-stop movie source.

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